Email Notification

Email notification

Emails can be sent to a specified user to notify them of chosen significant events in the operation of scream or the instrumentation. This page is not visible if a suitable TCP/IP network is not installed.

In the SMTP Server box, enter a server name or IP address for outgoing email.

In the Recipient box, enter the email address that the messages should be sent to.

Check the boxes under “Events to Monitor” that you wish email notification for. The source and usual causes of the events are as follows:

Digitiser re-boots - detected in the boot-up status message of a digitiser or other GSL instrument. Usually caused by a power-cycle of the unit, or when a new configuration is downloaded. Will cause Data discontinuities to be generated, and sometimes re-syncs.

Re-Syncs - detected in the status messages from digitisers. Normal after a re-boot or extended periods of GPS outage.

Data Discontinuities - Detected by Scream as any gap in the incoming data streams. This can be generated under normal operating conditions by re-boots, re-syncs or on triggered channels. It can also be generated by lost data due to slow or poor quality communication links. Other logs or status information can be checked for correlating messages to determine the cause.

SAM disk full - detected in the status messages from a SAM unit. When this message is received, the SAM disk is full, and has stopped recording data. Does not apply to SAMs in circular buffer mode.

Scream Start / Stop - Generated by Scream whenever it is started up or closed down. Note that if a computer suffers a sudden loss of power or is not shut down properly, there will not be a ‘stop’ message, so this message can be used to indicate an unexpected re-boot (two startup messages without an intermediate stop message).

Scream Recording Stopped - reported on a stream-by-stream basis, this message indicates that recording for the indicated stream has failed. This can be generated under normal conditions if the ‘auto record’ option is enabled, and the user initiates a file replay of older data. Scream will try to record the replayed data back onto the file that is already open for playing. Note that this feature is not disabled since the user can use this to convert files to another format by changing the recording options prior to replay.

This message can be generated when the recording disk is full, and the recordng mode is set to ‘Stop on Disk Full’, or when a disk failure causes a file write to fail.

Another common cause is if Scream is set up with an incorrect Filename Format, which results in two or more streams recording to the same file.

GPS Control Timeout – If scream has received status information indicating a healthy GPS reception and synchronisation, it will continue to monitor the status information for GPS activity. If GPS reception is lost for 12 hours, an email notification will be generated indicating this, and monitoring will be disabled until healthy GPS operation resumes.

Digitiser Trigger Report - When scream receives a line of status information indicating that the digitiser has triggered an output based on it's triggering setup, an email notification will be generated including the text of the status line.

Mass Position over X % - Scream can monitor the mass positions of a velocity instrument (streams xxxxM8, xxxxM9 and xxxxMA). If any of these mass positions exceeds the set threshold, Scream can be made to send an email alert by selecting this option.


The sender identity of the email is automatically generated as


Where [hostname] is the standard host name for the local machine, as set up in the Windows network properties.