Recording Options

Recording Options

The options on this page allow control over the general recording parameters.

Auto Record-Enable for Data Streams

If selected, all new data streams (non-zero sample rate) detected will have recording enabled by default (Set to ‘Yes’). If not selected, auto-recording will not occur. Note that this does not affect streams which are already in the stream list.

Auto Record-Enable for Status Streams

The same as above, except applies to status streams (sample rate of 0).

Auto Record uploaded Streams

Digitiser firmware version 35 and later can support storing short-term data internally. Data transfer is then initiated by user request. If this option is selected, any stream data uploaded from a storing instrument is recorded to disk. Note that in storage mode, the digitiser transmits ‘heartbeat’ status blocks, which are not recorded. When data upload is complete, recording of the status stream is disabled to prevent recording of these heartbeat blocks.

Auto-upload on heartbeat

If enabled, Scream will automatically initiate a silicon-file upload when it receives a heartbeat message. Selecting this option simplifies the user operation in dial-up instrument installations. It can also be used for unmanned continuous data collection in links which are susceptible to longer-duration outages.

Close Files After Timeout

If enabled, each open file will be closed after a timeout of the specified period has elapsed. This timeout is reset every time a block (data or status) is written to the file. The primary function of this option is to allow systems recording only triggered data to access the files soon after the event. Without this option selected, the files will be held open until the next trigger causes a new filename to be generated, preventing them from being accessed by other applications. This feature only applies to GCF and TXT format files.

Recording Mode

Specifies the action to be taken when the amount of free disk space on the recording directory is below the pre-set level. Stop on Disk Full will force recording to stop on the streams, Ring Buffer will delete the oldest file found in the Base Directory or any subdirectory of it.
Alternatively, "Stream Buffer Only" will delete files which would not normally fit in the "stream buffer" history setting. This is useful on a system where long-term recording of data is not necessary, but upon re-start of scream, you wish to have your display buffer re-loaded from file (GCF only).

Note: version 2.2 and older would only delete files from ‘active’ directories. That is, directories that Scream was recording into at the time. Due to the increased flexibility of the naming convention and directory structure, this system is no longer effective. Scream is now assumed to control all files and directories form the Base Directory down. ANY files that are in or under the base directory will be deleted when they are the oldest file found.