FileName formatting

FileName formatting

A versatile formatting system allows the user to select a structure for file names which suits their system integration requirements. Parameters can be set in the Recording page of the setup screen.

The filename format string allows the user to specify a mask which is used to construct the file names for all files. The following format specifiers are supported:

Specifier Replaced with
YY year as a two digit number (e.g. 98 for 1998).
YYYY year as a four digit number (e.g. 1998).
M month as a number without a leading zero (e.g. 1-12)
MM month as a number padded to two digits (e.g. 01-12)
MMM Short string code for the month (e.g. Jan, Feb, Mar, etc).
D date as a number without a leading zero (e.g. 1-31)
DD date as a number padded to two digits (e.g. 01-31)
H hour without a leading zero (e.g. 0-23)
HH hour padded to two digits (e.g. 00-23)
N minute without a leading zero (e.g. 0-59)
NN minute padded to two digits (e.g. 00-59)
S second without a leading zero (e.g. 0-59)
SS second padded to two digits (e.g. 00-59)
R day of year without leading zeros (e.g. 1-366)
RRR day of year padded to three digits (e.g. 001-366)
J As 'R' above (Julian Day)
JJJ As 'RRR' above (Julian Day)
X Date code represented as an 8 digit hexadecimal number. Allows complete date to fit in a DOS 8.3 format.
I system ID, without leading underscores (e.g. TEST)
IIIIII system ID, padded to six characters (e.g. __TEST)
T stream ID, without leading underscores (e.g. DMZ2)
TTTTTT stream ID padded to six characters (e.g. __DMZ2)
E serial number, without leading underscores. This is the stream ID without the last two digits.
EEEE serial number as above, padded to four characters (e.g. _456)
A The mapped Stream ID. If no mapping is defined for the stream, it is the same as ‘T’.
C component identifier (Z,N,E,M, etc).
P samples per second without leading zeros (e.g. 4-200)
PPP samples per second padded to three digits (e.g. 004-200)

The format string is case sensitive, so ‘HH’ will be replaced with the hour, but ‘hh’ will remain as a literal. This facility can be used to add constant descriptions or field separators as desired.

The following characters cannot be used due to operating system limitations:
: * ? “ < > |

The ‘\’ (or '/' in linux) character can be used. This allows a dynamic directory structure to be created. E.g. subdirectories for each system (I\), or each month (M\).

Examples of filename format strings and their results:

T\YYYY_MM_DD;HHhNNmSSs dmz2\1997_10_05;07h35m20s
T.YYYY.RRR_HHNNSS dmz2.1997.278_073520
T\YYYY.M.D;H.N.S;C;P dmz2\1997.10.5;7.35.20;z;100