Display Options

Display Options

Stream Buffering : Buffer X [minutes/blocks] of stream data
See the Stream Buffer page for details.

Scale Mux Channels up by 8 bits
Since the Mux channels are 16 bit samples, and components are usually sampled to 24 bits, in order to compare the two outputs the Mux channel must be scaled by 8 bits. This is useful when a Mux channel is used as a calibration output. This option scales all mux channels by a factor of 256.

WaveView Defaults
Sets the default parameters for all newly created Waveview windows. Existing windows are not affected by this change. Selects Background colour, filter, block marker, time cursor and amplitude cursor states, default time scaling and amplitude scaling.
To select a new set of defaults, set an existing window to the desired state, open the setup menu, click the ‘Select’ button, then click on the ‘template’ WaveView window.

Colour-coded Components
Scream has a preset colour sequence for each new data stream added to a waveview window. Checking this box allows default colour selection to be made based on the instrument component that the stream represents.
To change a default colour, simply click on the colour block, and select a new default.
The background colour is selected using the ‘WaveView Defaults’ option, detailed above.

Status Font – Select
Provides the user with the ability to change the text font used to display status information. Applies to all status windows, whether already open or not.

Spectrogram: X pixels
Sets the height of the spectrogram display in all WaveView windows to this value. This value has a direct relation to the number of points used in the FFT calculations for the spectrogram, and hence requires a proportionate amount of processing power. The default of 64 is chosen to provide a reasonably fast redraw rate on basic computers, and not use up too much display space. Users with faster processors and high-resolution displays may prefer a larger number.

Acceleration Units
If the relevant calibration parameters are found, Scream can scale a stream display to indicate physical units. If an instrument is identifed as an accelerometer, this setting controls the units of acceleration computed and displayed.

Velocity Units
As above, but used if the calibration parameters identify the instrument as having a velocity response.

See Also: Setup, WaveView Windows