Introduction to Travel Time Calculation

by Zhigang Peng

This website contains a brief tutorial on how to compute travel times based on 1D velocity models and existing software packages. This is part of the lecture course titled "Obs. Seismology" offered to the Geophysics graduate students at GT in Spring 2008/2011/2013/2016 by Professor Zhigang Peng .

Overview of the TauP Toolkit

How to run it at GT geophysics laboratory

  • TauP is already installed at "/usr/local/geophysics/TauP". To run it, please add the following two lines in your .bashrc file.
    export TAUP_HOME=/usr/local/geophysics/TauP
    export PATH=${TAUP_HOME}/bin:$PATH
    export PATH=/usr/local/geophysics/bin/:$PATH
    export CLASSPATH=/usr/local/geophysics/TauP/taup.jar
  • After that, type
    % source ~/.bashrc
    % taup_time -help
    If you get a help output for the taup_time, it is working. 8-)

Tools included with the TauP package

Name Brief Description
taup_time calculate travel times.
taup_pierce calculates pierce points at model discontinuities and specified depths.
taup_path calculates ray paths, depth versus epicentral distance.
taup a GUI that incorporates the time, pierce and path tools. This requires swing, and hence may not work on some java1.1 systems.
taup_table outputs travel times for a range of depths and distances in an ASCII file
taup_setsac puts theoretical arrival times into sac header variables.
taup_create creates a .taup model from a velocity model.
taup_create creates a .taup model from a velocity model.
taup_peek peeks at a saved model, useful only for debugging.

Phase naming in TauP


    • Compute travel times for S and P for a 200 kilometer deep source at a distance of 57.4 degrees.
      22.> taup_time -mod prem -h 200 -ph S,P -deg 57.4
      Model: prem
      Distance   Depth   Phase   Travel    Ray Param   Purist    Purist
        (deg)     (km)   Name    Time (s)  p (s/deg)  Distance   Name
         57.40   200.0   P        566.77     6.968      57.40  = P    
         57.40   200.0   S       1028.60    13.018      57.40  = S    
    • taup_path takes a .taup file generated by TauP Create and generates the path that the phases travel. The output is in GMT (Wessel and Smith, 1995) “psxy” format, and is placed into the file “taup path.gmt”. If you specify the “-gmt” flag then this is a complete script with the appropriate “psxy” command prepended, so if you have GMT installed, you can just:
      27.> taup_path -mod iasp91 -h 550 -deg 74 -ph S,ScS,sS,sScS -gmt
      28.> ls *.gmt
      29.> sh taup_path.gmt
      30.> gs
    • If we want to see the travel time curves for these phases, we can do that using taup curve. It works very similarly to taup path except that we don’t need to specify a distance.
      55.> taup_curve -mod prem -h 143.2 -ph P,S,PcP,ScS,SKS,sS,SS,PKKP -o premCurves.gmt -gmt
      56.> sh premCurves.gmt
      57.> gs
    • More examples can be found at the TauP online manual .

    Part II: COMPLOC Earthquake Location Package

    Overview of the COMPLOC Package

    • COMPLOC is a Fortran77 computer program package for relocating earthquakes using the source-specific station term (SSST) method.
    • The source code is available at
    • The related reference is: Lin, G. and P. Shearer (2006), The COMPLOC earthquake location package, Seism. Res. Lett., 77, 440-444.
    • The entire package are installed in /usr/local/geophysics/COMPLOC_1.01.

      Example of a 1D "layered cake" velocity model

      • Let's start with a 1D 'layered cake' velocity model, which is pretty much the same form the NCSN used for routine earthquake location.
        # Dep Vp (km/s) Vs (km/s)
         0.00    1.42    0.82
         0.25    1.42    0.82
         0.25    3.24    1.87
         1.50    3.24    1.87
         1.50    4.72    2.73
         2.50    4.72    2.73
         2.50    5.36    3.09
         3.50    5.36    3.09
         3.50    5.60    3.23
         5.00    5.60    3.23
         5.00    5.65    3.26
         6.00    5.65    3.26
         6.00    5.90    3.41
         9.00    5.90    3.41
         9.00    6.15    3.55
        15.00    6.15    3.55
        15.00    6.60    3.81
        25.00    6.60    3.81
        25.00    8.00    4.62
        100.0    8.00    4.62

      Resample the velocity model

      • We can resample the velocity model using "vzfillin" program in the COMPLOC package.
      • vzfillin.f is a utility program that reads (z, vp, vs) model files and resamples them at any desired finer depth interval. This is done with linear interpolation of parameters between depth points so that models with velocity gradients are easily included.
      • Here we use the 'layered cake' model above, and do not interpolate the parameters between depth points. So the vzfillin program only fill with constant values between different depth intervals.
      • Please start by creating a file named 'vz.PKD.layercake'. You can directly download it from this link , or copy and paste the value from the previous window (without the comment).
      • Then download this parameter file , and run the following command:
        73.> vzfillin <
      • Or, you can directly run the command like this:
        75.> vzfillin
         Enter input model file name
         Enter output file name
         Enter Vp/Vs ratio if Vs=0 in input (e.g., 1.732)
         Enter output dz spacing (e.g. 1)
      • The output is the resampled velocity model vz.PKD.layercake.1km with 1 km depth interval.

      Compute the travel time table

      • The next step is to compute a travel time table, based on the resampled velocity model. Please download the input parameter , then use the "deptable" program.
      • deptable.f is a f77 program that computes tables of travel time, ray angle, ray parameter, and vertical slowness at the source as a function of source depth and source-receiver distance.
      • Please use the following command line:
        77.> deptable <
         Enter input velocity model
         First column of input:  1=depth, 2=radius
         finished reading model
         Depth points in model=  115
         ************************* Table of Model Interfaces **********************
          Depth  Top Velocities  Bot Velocities    -----Flat Earth Slownesses-----
                      vp1  vs1        vp2  vs2       p1      p2        s1      s2
           0.2    1  1.42 0.82    2  1.42 0.82   0.70423 0.70420   1.21951 1.21946
           0.2    2  1.42 0.82    3  3.24 1.87   0.70420 0.30863   1.21946 0.53474
           1.5    5  3.24 1.87    6  4.72 2.73   0.30857 0.21181   0.53463 0.36621
           2.5    8  4.72 2.73    9  5.36 3.09   0.21178 0.18649   0.36616 0.32350
           3.5   11  5.36 3.09   12  5.60 3.23   0.18646 0.17847   0.32345 0.30943
           5.0   14  5.60 3.23   15  5.65 3.26   0.17843 0.17685   0.30935 0.30651
           6.0   16  5.65 3.26   17  5.90 3.41   0.17682 0.16933   0.30646 0.29298
           9.0   20  5.90 3.41   21  6.15 3.55   0.16925 0.16237   0.29284 0.28129
          15.0   27  6.15 3.55   28  6.60 3.81   0.16222 0.15116   0.28103 0.26185
          25.0   38  6.60 3.81   39  8.00 4.62   0.15092 0.12451   0.26144 0.21560
         100.0  114  8.00 4.62  115  8.00 4.62   0.12304 0.12304   0.21305 0.21305
         Enter maximum depth (9999 for none)
         Source depths:  (1) Range, (2) Exact
         Enter source dep1,dep2,dep3 (km)
         (1) P-waves  or  (2) S-waves
         pmin, pmax =   0.  0.704225361
         Enter number of rays to compute
         Enter min p at long range (.133 = no Pn, .238 = Sn)
         Completed ray tracing loop
         (1) del in km, t in sec  or  (2) del in deg., t in min
         Enter output file for ray table (or none)
         Enter del1,del2,del3 (min, max, spacing)
         ***Warning: p>u in angle calculation
            Ray assumed horizontal
          0.  0.  0.  0.704228759  0.704225361
         Enter output file name for travel times
         Enter output file name for source ray angles
         Enter output file name for ray parameters
         Enter output file name for vertical slowness at source
      • You will get a travel time table (plus other tables) that lists the arrival time for different combinations of depth and range (distance).
      • You can use the following GMT script gmt.PKD.ttime to plot the travel time table. The output will look like this:
      • For detailed information about each parameters, please read online version of reloc.lin.man_1.0 , or from the following local directory: /usr/local/geophysics/COMPLOC_1.01/reloc.lin.man_1.0

      Compute travel time for individual SAC traces

      • Finally, you can use a program named "gentt" written by me to compute the travel time for P and S waves based on the event longitude, latitude and depth (evlo, evla, evdp), and station longitude and latitude (stlo, stla). This program can be used together with the "saclst" program. See the previous SAC Tutorial for more details about how to use "saclst".
      • Please download the following tar file for event 20040930043645 (one of the SAFOD targeting event) recorded by the HRSN borehole network at Parkfield, CA, and untar it:
        49.> wget
        # download the tar.gz file
        50.> tar zxvf HRSN_20040930043645_BP1.tar.gz
        # untar the file
        51.> saclst stlo stla evlo evla evdp o a t0 f *BP1*.SAC
        BP.CCRB.BP1.SAC    -120.5516     35.9572   -120.5433     35.9867      2.5640      0.0000 -12345.0000 -12345.0000
        BP.EADB.BP1.SAC    -120.4226     35.8952   -120.5433     35.9867      2.5640      0.0000 -12345.0000 -12345.0000
        BP.FROB.BP1.SAC    -120.4869     35.9109   -120.5433     35.9867      2.5640      0.0000 -12345.0000 -12345.0000
        BP.GHIB.BP1.SAC    -120.3473     35.8322   -120.5433     35.9867      2.5640      0.0000 -12345.0000 -12345.0000
        BP.JCNB.BP1.SAC    -120.4311     35.9390   -120.5433     35.9867      2.5640      0.0000 -12345.0000 -12345.0000
        BP.JCSB.BP1.SAC    -120.4340     35.9212   -120.5433     35.9867      2.5640      0.0000 -12345.0000 -12345.0000
        BP.LCCB.BP1.SAC    -120.5142     35.9801   -120.5433     35.9867      2.5640      0.0000 -12345.0000 -12345.0000
        BP.MMNB.BP1.SAC    -120.4960     35.9565   -120.5433     35.9867      2.5640      0.0000 -12345.0000 -12345.0000
        BP.RMNB.BP1.SAC    -120.4777     36.0009   -120.5433     35.9867      2.5640      0.0000 -12345.0000 -12345.0000
        BP.SCYB.BP1.SAC    -120.5366     36.0094   -120.5433     35.9867      2.5640      0.0000 -12345.0000 -12345.0000
        BP.VARB.BP1.SAC    -120.4471     35.9261   -120.5433     35.9867      2.5640      0.0000 -12345.0000 -12345.0000
        BP.VCAB.BP1.SAC    -120.5339     35.9216   -120.5433     35.9867      2.5640      0.0000 -12345.0000 -12345.0000
        # waveform name     stlo         stla       evlo          evla        evdp           o        a          t0
        #                 station        station    event         event       event       origin    P wave      S wave
        #                 longitude      latitude  longitude      latitude    depth        time   arrival time arrival time
        # list the various sac header that will be used as the input for the "gentt" program.
        52.> saclst stlo stla evlo evla evdp o a t0 f *BP1*.SAC | gentt -r 1.732 -t
        BP.CCRB.BP1.SAC      3.35780      2.56400      0.00000 -12345.00000 -12345.00000      1.20479      2.08670
        BP.EADB.BP1.SAC     14.88933      2.56400      0.00000 -12345.00000 -12345.00000      3.36663      5.83100
        BP.FROB.BP1.SAC      9.83005      2.56400      0.00000 -12345.00000 -12345.00000      2.43450      4.21655
        BP.GHIB.BP1.SAC     24.63575      2.56400      0.00000 -12345.00000 -12345.00000      5.11355      8.85667
        BP.JCNB.BP1.SAC     11.42158      2.56400      0.00000 -12345.00000 -12345.00000      2.73095      4.73001
        BP.JCSB.BP1.SAC     12.24973      2.56400      0.00000 -12345.00000 -12345.00000      2.88469      4.99629
        BP.LCCB.BP1.SAC      2.72452      2.56400      0.00000 -12345.00000 -12345.00000      1.09062      1.88896
        BP.MMNB.BP1.SAC      5.42452      2.56400      0.00000 -12345.00000 -12345.00000      1.60061      2.77225
        BP.RMNB.BP1.SAC      6.12150      2.56400      0.00000 -12345.00000 -12345.00000      1.73660      3.00779
        BP.SCYB.BP1.SAC      2.59038      2.56400      0.00000 -12345.00000 -12345.00000      1.06761      1.84910
        BP.VARB.BP1.SAC     10.97861      2.56400      0.00000 -12345.00000 -12345.00000      2.64844      4.58710
        BP.VCAB.BP1.SAC      7.27293      2.56400      0.00000 -12345.00000 -12345.00000      1.95868      3.39243
        # waveform name      dist         evdp          o         a_old       t0_old      a_computed   t0_computed
        #                  range (km)     event        origin   old P wave  old S wave  Computed P wave Computed S wave
        #                                 depth        time    arrival time arrival time     arrival time arrival time
        # compute the P and S wave travel time based on the travel time table (from the deptable command)
        # and various station and event information from the saclst command.
        53.> saclst stlo stla evlo evla evdp o a t0 f *BP1*.SAC | gentt -r 1.732 -t | gawk '{print "r "$1"\nch t1 "$7" t2 "$8"\nwh"} END {print "q"}' | sac
        # put the computed P and S wave travel time into the SAC header (using t1 and t2 time stamp).
        54.> sac
         SEISMIC ANALYSIS CODE [03/01/2005 (Version 100.00)]
         Copyright 1995 Regents of the University of California
        SAC> r *BP*.SAC
        SAC> xlim 0 20
        SAC> qdp off
        SAC> p1
        # read the SAC data, and check the predicted P and S wave arrival time

      Part 3: Write your own travel time calculator

      Usin the LAYERXT code in Shearer (1999) book

Last updated by Zhigang Peng Mon Mar 7 14:48:18 EST 2011