
USAGE diffnsim input_file
input_file = 1 allows screen input of parameters

Input parameters:

Input unflattened interferogram
Differential interferogram output file
Input simulation DEM file
Simulated interferogram output file
Interferogram complex pixels across, down:
Looks across, down of simulation and output files:
Crosstrack Baseline length, and delta/pix (m):
Vertical (up) Baseline length, and delta/pix (m):
Phase offset (rad):
Left/Right looking (1=left,-1=right):
s/c height, rate, acc (m,m/m,m/m^2), earth radius (m), rho0 (m):
wavelength (m), rng pix size (m), az pix size (m), squint (deg), range offset :
FUNCTION Computes differential interferogram and simulated interferogram from DEM data
CALLED BY diffnsim.pl
FILES USED diffnsim.in
FILES CREATED Differential interferogram
Simulated interferogram

LAST UPDATE May 29, 1998
This software is part of the JPL/Caltech ROI_PAC suite.
Not for general distribution.
For more info: