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ROI_PAC processing for Modern Geodetic Methods (Page 3 of 6)

Set-up Table of Contents Processing

Data Source:

    We have downloaded the data from the UNAVCO/WInSAR Consortium archive for a pair of repeat orbit images surrounding the October 16, 1999 Hector Mine Earthquake in Southern California.

  • The satellite inforamtion of interest for this event is:
               track = 127
               frame = 2907
               sat   = E2   #(ERS2)
               orbit = 23027  # or 23528  
    • Track numbers correspond to number of the "along-track" path that the satellite is traveling (for ERS satellites this varies mostly from East-West).
    • Frame numbers correspond to individual slices "along-track" and vary from N-S for descending and S-N for ascending orbits.
    • For repeat passes the Track and Frame numbers remain constant for the same satellite, while the orbit number will continue to increase.

      % mkdir -p  ~/MGM/HectorMine/990915  # The YY MM DD of scene
      % mkdir -p  ~/MGM/HectorMine/991020 
  • Because the password is protected, we will supply you with the already downloaded data. Please do not ask me for the password! I cannot give it to you.
  • For class, we will create links for the zip directories, since they are ~170M each.
      % cd  ~/MGM/HectorMine/990915
      % ln -s ~anewman/MGM/HectorMine/ZIP/
      % cd  ../991020
      % ln -s ~anewman/MGM/HectorMine/ZIP/
The below information on downloading data is for reference only, and presumably no longer works.
  • If you had the password you could get the data. If you are working on a remote terminal, it may be a much better idea to download the data remotely using ftp from the command line.
      % cd  ~/MGM/HectorMine/T127_2907/E2_23027
      # The below will prompt you for the WInSAR password at UCSD (WE WON'T DO THIS IN CLASS) 
      %         ftp  
      %         ftp
      %         ftp
      # or 
      %         wget
      % cd  ../E2_23528
      # The below will prompt you for the WInSAR password at UCSD (WE WON'T DO THIS IN CLASS) 
      %         ftp  
      %         ftp
      %         ftp
      # or 
      %         wget
      # instead we will link the files from my directory 

Set-up Processing

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