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Program: lfilesearch (Appendix 1)

by Andrew Newman and Grant T. Farmer

Back (to preprocessing lfile)

Program Goal:

Program will search default or input lfile for stations that are either within a certain distance of a point or within a rectangular area.


lfilesearch [-CLON/LAT/RAD] [-RLONMIN/LONMAX/LATMIN/LATMAX] [-T YYYY/DOY] [-L lfile] [-S] [-I sittbl.]

    Required Flags:

    One of the two options is required:
      -C will search the LFILE for stations within the circular radius [km] from CLON, CLAT
      -R will search the LFILE for stations within rectangular region between LONMIN/LONMAX and LATMIN/LATMAX. distance output will be from center of rectangle.

    Optional Flags:

    Use any or all of the following options:
      -T will search if stations are good for a specific day
      -L will use the input LFILE rather than default
      -S will use the input rather than default
      -I will check supplied sittbl. file for stations

    Bugs, caveats:

      + This program will give erroneous results if search is across the international dateline or poles.
      + search assumes a useful range between -180/180 and -90/90.


      lfilesearch -C-107/35/1000 -Llocal.lfile
      lfilesearch -R-120/-100/10/40 -T2002/311


The code is available for download here.

Please note that this is a unix shell script that will need to be saved as executable and in your path to execute.

Good luck.

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