Date | Presentor, Affiliation, and Title |
Jan 09 | Dr. Leah Courtland "Volcanoes and Beyond: Insights from Geophysics, Numerical Modeling, and Experiments"
Jan 16 | Dr. Jim Head, Brown University "The Tectonic and Volcanic Evolution of Venus"
Jan 23 | Xiaofeng Meng "Dynamic Triggering in the Geysers Following the 2014 Napa Earthquake" & "Earthquake Sequences Driven by Deep Creep near the Anza gap"
Jan 30 | Josh Blackstock, USGS "Source and flux of soil CO2 in hydrothermal environments and new methods in estimating CO2 conentrations (USGS/GT partnership)"
Feb 06 | Dr. Andrew Newman "The Continuum of Slip along the Subduction Megathrust: Observations and Understanding Gained from the Nicoya Seismic Cycle Observatory"
Feb 13 | Amy Williamson, Alex Sessa "Improved resolution of earthquake source through joint inversion and its application to near-field tsunami warning" and "Gravity/Modes of Heat Production and Removal from the Europan Interior"
Feb 20 | Ryan Cahalan, Lucas Liuzzo "Modeling Neptunian eruption dynamics and comparison with tank experiments" and "Modeling induction and plasma signatures at Callisto: constraints on a subsurface ocean"
Feb 27 | Prospective Student Visit
Mar 06 | Taryn Black, Jacob Buffo "Effects of unsteady flow on eruption column stability in eplosive volcanic eruptions " and "Investigating Solar Dynamics using Faraday Rotation"
Mar 13 | Dr. Steve McNutt, University of South Florida "A Parametric Study of the January 2006 Eruptions of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, with Emphasis on Seismic, Acoustic and Lightning Data"
Mar 16-20 | Spring Break
Mar 27 | Chenyu Li, Heather Chilton "Remote triggering of volcanic seismicity in the Piton de la Volcano" and "Enceladus limb profile analysis"
Apr 03 | George McDonald, Gabe Eggers "Investigating detection capabilities of future aerial and surface spectrometers on Titan" and "Maximum-likelihood inversion of parameterized models of topography on Venus"
Apr 10 | Moritz Feyerabend "Filamented tail structures at Titan: A hybrid simulation study"
Apr 17 | Chastity Aiken,Salah Faroughi "Sweet spot tremor triggered by intraslab earthquakes in the Nankai subduction zone" and "Dunamics of Particulate Media: Complex Fluids"
Apr 24 | Yanqing Su, Hamid Karani "Implications from volcanic sulfur degassing: Cerro Galan eruption (2.08 Ga)" and "Onset of Benard convection in porous media: A pore-scale study"
May 01 | Graduation/Finals