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Changes in GMT 4.1.1 are mostly minor; a brief listing include
- gmt_nc.c: Introduced handling of 4-D COARDS compliant grids (See Chapter 4 for details).
- mgd77/mngd77sniffer: New tool for along-track quality control checking of MGD77 files.
- spotter/grdrotater: New tool that rotates grids given a specified finite rotation.
- Jonathan Shewchuk's triangulation routines are now stored with the rest of the source in the GMT_progs.tarzip archives.
(However, because his copyright is not GPL, installing it is still an option).
A few programs or options have received minor updates and new features, such as
- grdedit
- : Added option -T to toggle between gridline and pixel registrations (header only).
- grdgradient
- : Implemented variation on Lambertian illumination.
- grdmask
- : Now takes -Sradius[cmkK] as is done in nearneighbor.
- gmtmath
- : If file is STDIN we read data from stdin and put the contents on the stack.
Also added -F to select which columns to use for output [all].
- grdtrack
- : Can now sample Sandwell/Smith IMG grids directly.
- mgd77/mgd77.c
- : Added mechanism to search directories for files.
- mgd77/mgd77list
- : Activated -X option and associated machinery for applying data corrections.
- psmask
- : -Now takes -Sradius[cmkK] as is done in nearneighbor.
Can now plot tiles regardless of projection and use patterns.
- pstext
- : -D[...]vpen can now be used with or without -M.
- psxyz.c
- : -SOU imitate -Sou but without the 3-D color shading.
Inevitably, when new features are added, new bugs come along with them. Below is a list of problems
that we have identified and corrected in the current release:.
- : Extracting VERSION from gmt_version.h, not gmt.h.
- gmt_init.c
- : BASEMAP_FRAME_RGB overrode any changes to grid pens etc. Now only
does so if prefixed by '+'.
- gmt_calclock.c
- : Did not allow -B0 for time-axis.
- gmt_map.c
- : -JX...d now plots with WESN or degrees:minutes as per PLOT_DEGREE_FORMAT.
Map clip paths for -JElon/ were no good. Under certain circumstances, GMT_non_zero_winding might be passed
a polygon that was not closed, resulting in an error. -JQ would give garbage if central lon was way outside -R.
- gmt_plot.c
- : -JX...d now plots with WESN or degrees:minutes as per PLOT_DEGREE_FORMAT.
- gmt_grdio.c
- : Changed logic to avoid false ``scale==0'' warning on Windows.
GMT_open_grd (used in grdblend) reset scale to NaN.
Initialize header information at start of GMT_read_grd_info.
- gmt_support.c
- : Initialize [xyz]_unit with more appropriate values.
Got wrong conversion for dx in meters to degrees.
- gmt_grd.h
- : Improved definition of GMT_x_to_i macro should reduce bugs
- pslib.c
- : ps_polygon: if outline == -9 just fill and no clip.
Fixed two bugs concerning the /MaskColor operator.
- : Added /dotlessi per Onur Tan.
- blockm*.c
- : Now correctly deals with periodic longitude data.
- grdcontour.c
- : Fixed several issues at grid limits and inappropriate scaling of grid dimensions..
- grdfilter.c
- : Used -1 as index flag instead of INT_MIN.
- grdimage.c
- : Fixed several issues at grid limits and inappropriate scaling of grid dimensions.
- grdmask.c
- : Only let you change the value for outside nodes.
- : Did not list -f option. Operators LT, LE, EQ, GE, GT returned TRUE if NaNs were involved
Now NaN is returned if any of the two operands is a NaN.
- grdreformat.c
- : Update grd.command before writing grid
- grdvector.c
- : Did not place vectors correctly for pixel-pregistered grids.
- grdview.c
- : Skipped nodes outside boundary but they might be needed to draw a tile.
- pscoast.c
- : With -JE and -Gr/g/b, the painting of the antipodal bin would incorrectly
turn off clipping, messing up the rest of the plot. Now pass -9 to GMT_fill which means just fill and no end of clipping.
- xyz2grd.c
- : For geographic grids with 360 range and gridline registration,
the west and east bin did not get replicated properly.
Now considers data inside the first and last tiles which might stick outside w/e/s/n.
- x2sys/x2sys_cross.c
- : Several problems fixed.
Next: 1.1.4 Overview of GMT
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Paul Wessel