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1.1.1 Overview of GMT 4.1.3 [June-1, 2006]

Changes in GMT 4.1.3 are relatively minor and predominantly bug fixes. However, a few enhancements have been made to overcome limitations in the previous versions:

  1. Added the Hughes 1980 ellipsoid for projection support for DMSP SSM/I grid products.
  2. grdfft has an extended -F option to allow for either Gaussian- or cosine-tapered filtering.
  3. psscale now has a -Q option so that logarithmic color scales and annotations can be handled properly.
  4. makecpt and grd2cpt have a new -M option to allow the background, foreground, and NaN-colors to be assigned using the GMT defaults instead of the settings in the master CPT file.
  5. mgd77list in the mgd77 supplement has new option -Q to specify limits on speed and azimuths for output records.

Below is a list of previous problems (some accidentily introduced in GMT 4.1.2) that we have identified and corrected in the current release:

: Bug in GMT_grd_shift for gridline-registered grids; this function is used in grdedit to rotate grids of 360-degree longitudinal extent. Also added better testing for subsets of global (0-360) grids.
: GMT_PS_init was called after -PAR=val had been decoded, resetting the PostScript-related parameters to their default settings.
: GMT_set_xy_domain padded region for pixel instead of grid registration, which could cause SEGV in xyz2grd if (x,y) was less than half the grid-spacing outside region.
: The -C option got reversed in 4.1.2 - now fixed.
: The -C option got reversed in 4.1.2 - now fixed.
: The -C option with a non-cpt file failed to read due to lack of proper if-test.
: The -S option was backwards and tested w-e=360; should be e-w=360.
: Fixed bug introduced by GMT_get_inc in 4.1.2. Internal projected grid never took node_offset from input grid.
: Polygons with zig-zag shape would sometimes cause a node exactly on a polygon vertex to be considered inside. Radius was reset to 0 after -Sradius was assigned.
: The -A option was not properly initiated.
: The -L option did not properly parse the optional :label:<just> part.
: If the M (for map scale) was used, the -R and -J options would be reset. Also prevented the undoing of -X and -Y at the end of the program.

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Paul Wessel 2006-05-31