MATLAB extension

MATLAB extension (windows only)

If Matlab Version 5 (or above) is installed, Scream can automate the task of acquiring, selecting, converting, and processing data using a Matlab automation server.

Three conditions must be met before the Matlab interface operates:

  1. Matlab 5 (or above) installed, with the signal processing toolbox
  2. Matlab registered as an automation server
  3. The file scrfft.m copied to the bin directory of Matlab.

scrfft.m is included in the Scream! distribution. It is a script file which Scream calls to execute the necessary Matlab commands to perform a Power Spectral Density plot. Users are free to modify this script file, but no support can be offered for modified files.

To select data and initiate an automated analysis, follow the steps:

The samples are saved as ASCII in files in the standard ‘temp’ directory. By default, each stream is saved in a file called "samplesX.txt" where X is an incrementing number. In addition, a header file "scrhdr.txt" is saved with information about the data in the samplesX.txt files (start time, complete path and file name, sample rate, System ID and Stream ID).

Prior to executing scrfft, four variables are initialised. The first three variables are cell arrays, where each cell relates to a stream, in a multiple stream selection:

In the case where the SHIFT key was used to select the streams, the highlighted streams are transferred to the cell arrays from top to bottom. I.e. The top stream ID is matlab variable id{1}, the next id{2} and so on.

In the case where the CTRL key was used to select the streams, the first stream to be clicked on is the cell reference {1}, and the stream pointed to when the mouse cursor was released is cell reference {2}.

Although the default file names are samplesX.txt, other filename conventions can be specified by using the /m:filespec command line parameter at program start-up. filespec uses the same formatting codes as the filename convention.

See Also: Data Selection, WaveView window